Ms. Webb was Chandler’s first Educational support to help us discover that even though he had more energy and curiosity than most people wanted to deal with, she let us know that he is very smart and that he was not just acting out, he could be re-directed with special cues to change his thought process which would bring him out of his sometimes rage/anger. She let us know that he was showing signs of having Asperger’s Syndrome.

Ms. Webb would meet with him one on one to help him learn new ways to show his feelings and help him cope and communicate better with his peers and teachers so he could have a healthy relationship and make friends.

Our family moved to Oregon in 2005 for my husband’s job. We not only left our family and friends, we also left behind a very precious person that helped us understand our son better.. Web was Chandler’s first Educational support to help us discover that even though he had more energy and curiosity than most people wanted to deal with, she let us know that he is very smart and that he was not just acting out, he could be re-directed with special cues to change his thought process which would bring him out of his sometimes rage/anger. She let us know that he was showing signs of having Asperger’s Syndrome.

Parents in Oregon

Son with Asperger’s Syndrome