Enid’s experience in the schools and overall background knowledge was a huge asset in helping me accomplish more than I ever could have imagined for my son’s education. Prior to working with Enid, I worked with a lawyer who wanted me to take an aggressive approach...
Enid has been instrumental in helping write my son’s IEP. She played such an important role in keeping the meetings moving in a forward motion, allowing me to understand the law and our rights, as well as giving me a stronger voice as part of the team. Marlo...
I’m most proud that our staff recognizes and values the work of our specialists. Speech therapists are rarely recognized for the work they do. Enid Webb is truly a devoted member of our C.C. Meneley family. Providing language based interventions as a member of our...
“Thank you for listening and helping me with getting my daughter the right diagnosis. I’m so glad we are on the right track now.” Aimee Souza Special Education/IEP Support...
Ms. Webb was Chandler’s first Educational support to help us discover that even though he had more energy and curiosity than most people wanted to deal with, she let us know that he is very smart and that he was not just acting out, he could be re-directed with...